Thursday, September 9, 2010

Clemson So Far...

Well, to say the least, Clemson has not been the crazy summer that I had in Columbia. While my friends back home have been stealing dogs and getting kicked out of strip clubs, I have been injured..yes indeed a couch fell on me. 4 shots and 2.5 beers is just not enough to walk it off when you have a cracked fibula so I went to the ER for 7 hours and didn't make it to the game. EFF. Well anyways, the most fun I have had since I've been here is dancing on stage at the DX house with my best friend Nate Pierce. All the while I am turning around and saying "OMG the singer looks like Lenny Kravitz!!!!" Another awesome thing was drinking moonshine with Marshall, cause I had never had peach moonshine before.
Other than that...last night I took half a xanax and it gave me hiccups. Then I drank water and hiccuped at the same time and water came out my nose...that was interesting....

Monday, August 2, 2010

So ya...

i can't put half of the pictures up that are taken with my camera so I'm just going to post them cause I feel like they are self explanatory...


Monday, July 19, 2010

River Excursion

So, I don't feel like writing the whole day out, but yesterday we went on the most random river excursion and met random people who like boobs. It started out with Brodie, Jeff, Danae, Brittany, and me and the Jeff and Danae walked a long way home because they got detached from the raft and were cold. We floated into the mist and down the river and it was like Lord of the Rings. Did I mentioned it was raining. Also, me and Brittany sat in the big raft in our tubes, while Brodie paddled the whole way.
We met some random guys in kayaks who were trying to get me to show Brodie my boobs. They gave him a beer and told him to make sure I paid for it later haha! I don't know why anyone would pay for a free beer...I guess its flawed logic.
We also stopped at a rope swing and Brodie of course was a master at it. Just like George of the Jungle. Brittany did it too. I attempted to fish, but then I got the line stuck in a tree and gave up. We kept floating and went down fun rapids. When we got to the end of our journey, everyone was staring because we looked ghetto. It's bad when you are the odd ball at the river haha!
After some much needed Mexican food at La Fogata, the day came to an end. Like Ice Cube said "Today was a good day.."

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Most Epic Night, But We Don't Really Know Why It's Epic...

So, I'm trying to come up with the best way to write this post because I don't think that anyone will understand how much fun we had last night...I guess the best way is to start out with a quote from the great Brodie Wall:

"I feel like you have to be really fucked up when you come over here, or else you will just get weirded out and want to leave..."

That is one of the truest statements I have ever heard about Logan and Brodie's apartment. So here's a little story that backs this quote up...

It Saturday, and we all are a little groggy from the lack of sleep and rager that happened Friday. After a brief discussion of what happened the night before (Chris streaking, me yelling, and Logan getting no sleep) I head home with Brittany to grab some foodage and change into a bathing suit and Brodie, Logan, Haley, Chris and I head to the pool. We chilled there a little bit and somebody mentioned poker and we decided that a poker night was necessary. I was excited so I head home and get a quick nap and change and then head back to 605.

I walk in and everyone is dead. Not literally, everyone is just kind of exhausted, myself included. We quickly decided that we need to get fucked up. So we do. And this is where things start getting weird. Well everyone that is fucked up dancing, like weird dancing. I kept looking at Logan and saying "I feel like the breakfast club" ...yeah it was like that dancing scene if you know what I'm talking about. Brodie put on My Story and Chris, Brodie, and Robby started singing "elevators in harmonies" as I said and tweeted haha....
I left the room to talk on the phone for about 2 mins and when I came back there was a baseball game going on in the living room. Chris was pitching with a ping pong ball and Robby was hitting with a golf club. The whole time my paranoid self was waiting for either the ping pong ball or the golf club to hit me in the face. I don't know who won, but it didn't matter because everyone celebrated at the end. Thank goodness I got it on film...
After a few more sing-a-longs, me, Brodie and Chris decided that we wanted to go dance downtown...Oh Lordy... The walk from the apartment was so crazy. We were dancing and singing Rude Boy and then when we got to 5 points, we were walking kind of in rhythm with the songs that they were playing in the bars. We got to the corner and were about to cross the street when we spotted our enemies...cops. They were sitting outside of Pourhouse and Brodie started having a "bad trip, bad trip, BAD TRIP". He decided that he was too messed up to go to the bar and that he was really hot and his ID wouldn't work so he had to go home. I think I am just going to have to type out the conversation as a script or something:

Chris: Brodie, I need a wingman, you can do this. Come on.
Brodie: Nah dude, I need to go home. You don't need me. Remember we listened to the song Ridin' Solo.
Chris: Yeah
Brodie: (sings) I'm putting on my shades to cover up my eyes..

As this is happening, I was laughing and wanted to get off the street corner because I thought everyone was staring at me.

Me and Chris decide that we still want to go to the bar and so we get some drinks and just chill. I thought I saw some friends that were supposed to already be there so we go across the bar. We somehow ended up just posting up in the corner dancing to whatever song came on. We had to look like the biggest idiots EVER. We weren't talking to anyone, just dancing.
Some oldish bitch started grinding on some oldish dude right in front of us and we made fun of her. After about 10 minutes of grinding on the guy, the Cupid Shuffle came on and the oldish bitch asked me if I knew how to do it. Immediately, I started doing the Cupid Shuffle and so did Chris. When we faced the back wall, I turned around and there were some fat girls doing it too. When I turned back around to the front, there were even more people doing it too. That's when I realized that I had simultaneously added and checked off something from my bucket list. Starting a line dance in a bar that typically does not have dancing. It was great.
After all that dancing, me and Chris decided we weren't fucked up enough and our plan was to go get fucked up more and then come back to the bar. Since my friends still weren't there, this sounded like a great plan! We bee-bopped our way back to the apartment and what do we see when we walk in? Our good friend Logan cuddled up on the couch, too fucked up to move. I giggled and we began to get more fucked up.
After more of the same (dancing and singing). We decided that it was too late to go back out, but it was DEFINITELY time for food. Sonic was a must. Before Saturday, I did not realize the extent of Sonic's menu. There are so many different varieties of food. We had to have placed the most random assortment of food ever.
Brodie got a breakfast burrito, Chris got everything with cheese, cheesy tots and cheese sticks, I got a grilled cheese and a hot fudge sundae, but it was Logan who took the cake on being the most random. Logan ordered a grilled cheese, cheese sticks, french toast sticks, a hot fudge sundae, and I think a milkshake. We were very disappointed that they were out of campfire blast ingredients because I wanted one SO bad.
Do your friends ever say really weird things and you are like WTF later on. Well, my friends do all the time. When I went to order my food, I said "Hmmm what do I want." Brodie responded with "Emily wants a dick sandwich, hold the bread". Definitely a what the fuck moment. Basically the whole night was filled with really random quotes and so I'm just going to start naming a few to close out this blog entry because it is really long.

"Weed is my wingman"
"I got this hair restoration treatment, and now I have a cool earring! And I can jet ski!"
"The early bird gets the worm"
"Those kids smoke a lot"
"I had the best tweet 500 seconds ago"

There were a lot more, but I don't remember them all...

After some Jackass and Soul Train, the night ended and we all fell asleep. The End.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Getting Ready...

I'm a thorough believer in that getting ready to go out sets the mood for the night...

Currently I am jammin' to Lotta Money by Diamond, drinking a mixed drink, blowing my hair dryer and just kind of having fun with it. I have plenty of time to do exactly what I want to do in order to look my best, and I know that in my new heels I am going to look fly as can be! Haha jk! But on a serious note, getting ready to go out really does determine if you will have fun that night. I have been looking forward to tonight for a whole week now. Since I had an accounting test and two jobs this week, I haven't been raging so hard. The most I have done this week: Me and Pack went to Krispy Kreme and to watch some people play football...yeah its been that kind of week and the blog posts have been pretty slow. Because I am feeling good while getting ready, I am setting myself up for an AWESOME night, which mean that I will have an AWESOME blog entry to post laterday so readers NEVER FEAR!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just had to share...

Best song EVER...beautiful and awesome

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Drunk Amateur Strippers

So after me and my friends went downtown to 5 points on Friday night, we decided to continue the party. After we revamped ourselves with some Grilled Teriyaki (only the best thing EVER for 5 bucks in 5 points) we decided that Busch Light was necessary so we cranked up the music and started playing the mother of all drinking games....BEER PONG!
Oh snap. After winning a lot (of course) somebody (can't remember who) put on some Passion Pit...this started a massive techno dance party and my friends Brodie, Chris, and Pack took their shirts off and started stripper humping me and Haley and trying to give us lap dances. This was pretty well documented but the pictures were too racey to put on Facebook, so I'll just post them here cause they are hilarious:
no homo

my friends are so gay...this is why i love them